السبت، فبراير 27، 2010

Autism Today" Newsletter 18th February 2010"

Autism Today Newsletter - February 18th, 2010
Help You Need Now!
Hope, Healing & Possibilites is this week’s sponsor of your Autism Today Newsletter.

Autism Hope in 'Love Hormone'

A hormone thought to encourage bonding between mothers and babies may foster social behaviour in some adults with autism, say researchers. They found patients who inhaled the hormone oxytocin paid more attention to expressions when looking at pictures of faces and were more likely to understand social cues in a game simulation, the researchers said in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Angela Sirigu of the Centre of Cognitive Neuroscience in Lyon, who led the study, said the hormone has a therapeutic potential in adults as well as in children with autism.

More about children with autism

Hope, Healing & Possibilities

We’re excited to tell you about ourupcoming autism treatment event. This event is a leading edge, dual-track conference for physicians and laymen providing the latest breakthrough discoveries and strategies in the biomedical interventions and treatments realm. The goal is to help minimize or eliminate symptoms of autism spectrum and related disorder. Dr William Shawhas helped thousands of parents and physicians successfully contribute to improving the lives of children with autism

Find out more about Biomedical Treatments for Autism and ASD

DSM Changes Affect Asperger’s Syndrome

New guidelines under consideration for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) would place the mental disorder Asperger’s syndrome into a more general diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders, the American Psychiatric Association recently announced. This was just one of many controversial revisions suggested for the Bible of the psychiatric profession, due to be published in 2013. The DSM is the definitive reference used by psychologists for the diagnosis of mental disorders. The manual also provides the basis for utilization review and reimbursement policies by insurance companies, as well as guidance for pharmaceutical companies looking for opportunities in the development of new psychiatric drugs.

More about DSM and Asperger's Syndrome...

Team Tackles Autism
from Red Deer Advocate

Seven-year-old Matthew Colombo and his autism assistance dog guide, Cash, are a wicked team. To start with, both are as cute as a bug so watching the bond gently forming between the pair is heartwarming and affirming. For Chris Fowler, this bond is critical. Chris is head trainer for the autism assistance dog guides, part of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides’ programs where he and his wife, Heather Fowler, apprenticed. In 1996 the couple launched National Service Dogs, a non-profit organization west of Cambridge, Ont., that trains dogs for children like Ma tthew, children with autism.

Guide dogs...

Mr Party Pack, here at your service!

Have you ever been frustrated about people not "getting" what autism is all about? Well, now, there'"s a great new way to help kids (and parents) affected by autism spread the "autism and Asperger" word about autism awareness, understanding and information while having fun

Autism Today is proud to offer a powerful tool that gives back to other autism organizations while parents and others are able to pick up party supplies they would be buying anyway and save valuable time and money. Our first charity we are "giving back" to is Surfer's Healing, whom we are giving a portion of proceeds for every Luau package that is ordered.

Be sure to check out our new partner site, "AutismTodayPartyProject" to see all the goodies we have, such as baby first parties, wedding showers, baby showers, kids parties, religious parties, graduations, Halloween, New Years, you name it, there is a Party Package for it.

Visit: www.autismtodaypartyproject.com today
to help spread autism awareness to friends,
loved ones and virtually anyone, anywhere

Autism And Special Needs Resource Guide

Many are joining us to meet other parents of those with Aspergers to find much needed solutions....Free Copy of Aspergers Guide...shows how you can help your child to cope with mainstream school, build a relationship with the school, and guides how to help your other children cope with your asperger's child's behaviour and more.

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